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Greyhound Bus Lines Did NOT Have to Allow Immigration Checks on Their Busses

By in Immigration Alerts

Bus transportation companies, such as Greyhound, do not have to allow Border Patrol agents onboard their busses to conduct routine checks for undocumented immigrants, despite Greyhound’s insistence that it has no choice but to do so.

Greyhound, the nation’s largest bus carrier, has permitted Patrol agents to conduct such immigration checks, claiming federal law demanded it. But according to a recently-released memo from Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost, the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment prevents agents from boarding buses and questioning passengers without a warrant or the consent of the company.

Greyhound faces a lawsuit in California alleging that it violated consumer protection laws by facilitating such inspections.

Other bus companies, such as Jefferson Lines, which operates in 14 states, and MTRWestern, which operates in the Pacific Northwest, have officially stated they do not consent to agents boarding their busses.

You can read more about the issue here: 

Lineas de Autobuses Greyhound no Podian  Permitir Controles de Inmigración en sus Autobuses

Compañias de transporte de Buses, como Greyhound, no tienen que permitir que agentes de patrulla fronteriza a bordo de sus autobuses realicen controles de rutina para los inmigrantes indocumentados, a pesar de la insistencia de Greyhound de que no tiene mas remedio que hacerlo.

Greyhound, el transportista de autobuses más grande del país, ha permitido que los agentes de la Patrulla realicen tales controles de inmigración, alegando que la ley federal lo exige. Pero según un memorando recientemente publicado por la Jefa de la Patrulla Fronteriza, Carla Provost, la Cuarta Enmienda de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos impide que los agentes aborden los autobuses y cuestionen a los pasajeros sin una orden judicial o el consentimiento de la compañía.

Greyhound enfrenta una demanda en California alegando que violó las leyes de protección al consumidor al facilitar tales inspecciones.

Otras compañías de autobuses, como Jefferson Lines, que opera en 14 estados, y MTRWestern, que opera en el noroeste del Pacífico, han declarado oficialmente que no aceptan que los agentes aborden sus autobuses.